Saturday, January 26, 2008

And the band played on

It's been along time since I wrote music or had the desire to play out. However the bug has returned. I'm not looking for anything serious just something for fun. The problem has always been, I want to play simple catchy pop rock tunes and with the music scene gravitating towards an edgy hard rock scene, Its been hard to find people to write tunes with. This is not to say that that kind of music isnt popular. Bands like The Fray and Lifehouse have been huge recently. But the fact is and i know I'll catch flak for saying this, is that playing heavy music requires little talent on guitar and even less muscianship. Now there are indeed very good heavy acts out there. I think Linkin Park is a great example of band who does very creative things within their genre. But most teenagers and young guys and girls just want to pick up an axe pound a couple of power chords and be a rock star. And for some that works which is disappointing. But recently I have been looking for a new kindrid spirit and I think I may have found one. We are planning to jam a little next weekend. I've heard some of his stuff and we are the same wavelength. I'm excited to see if all those songs I have tucked away since college can be heard again.


Anonymous said...

Who's in your bandanorby

Anonymous said...

i meant BAND

Anonymous said...

You meant "band" but wrote "bandanorby". How does that happen? hahahahahaha

Drew said...

Good luck with the music, maybe you can form a bandanorby. I mean band. That always happens.

And naturally I disagree with your assessment of heavy bands, but I think we have different definitions of what "heavy" is so I'll pretend I didn't read that. :)

Anonymous said...

Rob, this is Carmen Electra. Update your website.