Saturday, January 26, 2008

And the band played on

It's been along time since I wrote music or had the desire to play out. However the bug has returned. I'm not looking for anything serious just something for fun. The problem has always been, I want to play simple catchy pop rock tunes and with the music scene gravitating towards an edgy hard rock scene, Its been hard to find people to write tunes with. This is not to say that that kind of music isnt popular. Bands like The Fray and Lifehouse have been huge recently. But the fact is and i know I'll catch flak for saying this, is that playing heavy music requires little talent on guitar and even less muscianship. Now there are indeed very good heavy acts out there. I think Linkin Park is a great example of band who does very creative things within their genre. But most teenagers and young guys and girls just want to pick up an axe pound a couple of power chords and be a rock star. And for some that works which is disappointing. But recently I have been looking for a new kindrid spirit and I think I may have found one. We are planning to jam a little next weekend. I've heard some of his stuff and we are the same wavelength. I'm excited to see if all those songs I have tucked away since college can be heard again.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Life Goes On

Well Brian and Amanda had their baby boy yesterday. Zander Magrum was born at 8lbs. 20oz. Very exciting. I will enjoy seeing how Brian adapts to being a parent. I will also use this as an oppurtunity to get a sneak preview for my future parent hood.

In other news more American Idol to watch on DVR. I think the novelty of the bad singers is starting to wear off for me. They come, they know they are bad, and then we laugh as Simon makes fun of them. Its becoming more old hat and less funny, and with the shows being an hour to two hours long it feels like it drags on too much. Also there are those who just do something stupid to get on TV...... and then Fox puts them on TV. Is this just a forum now for people to get 5 min of Fame? And personally I don't care about seeing everyones sob back story. What they sacrificed to ge there and how they have a little child to provide for cause they got pregnant at 16. I'd rather wait till we get down to the live shows and THEN invest a little more intrest in each persons life. Wait till we have a reason to care and then make us care. And getting back to the sob stories of all these people who have made sacrifices to provide for their little children that they had at a young age, should we feel sorry for someone who irresponsibly got themselves pregnant at age 16 and now has to pin all their hopes on a cable singing competition to provide a good life for their family? I dunno thats the way I see it, I could be wrong.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Everbody loves sharks

So I'm in the middle of my only my second big feature mix called Shark in Venice and let me tell you, it is an action extravaganza. Totally corny with sharks roaring and eating people but tons of sound effects of what elese?, shark attacks and chase scenes, fight scenes, gun battles, even an epic crusade. Gotta love low budget movie making. No stress and make it as over the top as you can.

On another note I got to work with Lily Tomlin last week. She was a spitfire but still very cool.

It's raining here. Its a rare event out here so I gotta savor it.

My mother got her a new white car, so i get to drive a new car out here in May.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Moms coming

Hey this my first post on my new page and I'm announcing that my mom got approved for her new apt. in Burbank today.